This DIY devise is used with my other products to quickly and easily remove muck from ponds and lakes. I have tried chemicals that will work if you have several years to wait and lots of extra money. Aeration which helps but is costly to purchase, maintain and to operate but it still does not make the muck disappear. Muck thrusters that blow the muck to the neighbors and must run continuously and is costly. Pumps both sewage and water which is wrought with constant removal of weeds and stick getting caught in the suction and is very very slow and messy with all the water going on the disposal site. The methods I have developed have been years in the making and improving. Just compare all methods for effectiveness, cost and results. Yes… I know my methods are not pretty ( I try to use recycled materials when I can) but take it from an old farm boy this way works. Please email me at I am glad to help. Thanks John
This is a proto type that does work… I tend to over build at first then make improvements along the way. For this 12 ft ramp you would need 2- 1×8 by 12 ft long and 2-2×4 by 12 ft and 1-2×4 by 8 ft long cut in half. This is the easiest build. However I can only transport 8 ft long lumber… So you buy 3- 1×8 by 8 ft long and 4- 2×4 by 8 ft. Then Cut 2 of the 2×4 in half and 1 of the 1×8 in half. Assemble with screws 2 inch long per the video. If you need the hinges for landing then get them and a 1/2 inch plywood 2 ft x 4 ft. Assemble with screws or 1/4 inch lag screws 3/4 long or 1/4 inch bolts, nuts and washers 1/1/4 inch long.
With the improved scoop with wheels you can now transport to vacant property or get a roll off dumpster it has a tail gate that swings out of the way and you can deposit the muck in it… if that works for you.